Online Bulletin image
  1. We will collect our Missionary Christmas offering, today. All funds will go directly to our missionaries as a Christmas gift in addition to their regular support. 
  2. We will have a church-wide fellowship following the morning service on November 24. There will be no evening or midweek service that week.
  3. All ladies are invited to the baby shower for Kirstyn Rodriguez to celebrate their new baby boy! The baby shower will be in the Fellowship Hall following the December 1 morning service. For registry information and details about food, please see Jessica Caviness.
  4. We will have a combined finance committee meeting and church-wide business meeting on December 1, after the evening service. We will discuss the general financial standing of the church, staff compensation, and building improvement plans.
  5. Ballots for the upcoming officer election will be available on December 1. Please begin praying for godly wisdom concerning your nominations. Please turn in ballots no later than the evening of December 8.
Announcements image
George Gresens (11/17)
Arista McQuaid (11/18)
Kat Starkey (11/20)

Roberto & Laura Cantu (11/22)

Tithes and Offering: $13,645
Missions: $585
Missionary Christmas: $250
Building; $10
Benevolence: $250

Tithes and Offering: $28

Sunday School (11/17): Kelly & Patricia
Sunday Morning (11/17): Hannah & Shannon
Sunday Evening (11/17): Belle & Allison
Wednesday Evening (11/20): Julie & Sheila